The Wuskwatim Habitat Compensation wetland restoration provided by Native Plant Solutions was designed to improve traditionally important fish spawning habitat on sites identified by First Nations partners that was degraded as a result of construction of the generating station.
Native Plant Solutions provided no net loss habitat restoration along the forebay and upstream lake at Wuskwatim Generating Station. The Wuskwatim Habitat Compensation scope of work included assessing the proposed sites; developing strategies for vegetation establishment; designing sustainable wetland vegetation plans; installing vegetation; and performing a post-planting site assessment. The first site, involving 1.1 km of shoreline as well as 6.7 ha of near shore habitat, required planting by heavy equipment due to its size. At the second site, lack of overland access meant plants had to be brought from donor sites by boat. Working with First Nations community members, wetland vegetation was installed by hand along the normal water level of the operating dam.
Three additional habitat compensation sites related to construction of the generating station were hand planted around the shores of Threepoint and Wapisu Lakes, which are located upriver from the dam site. These planting initiatives were also completed with the help of local First Nations community members. NPS continues to work with the proponents to monitor these sites and ensure the plant material at each site fully establishes.