Glen Koblun, CCA

Manager of Native Plant Solutions

Glen has nearly 30 years of experience in agriculture land stewardship. He joined NPS as an Agronomist in 2002, and has been involved with almost all of NPS’ projects since the beginning. During that time, he has implemented and coordinated several projects with emphasis on revegetation of disturbed sites on native landscapes, ranging from the Boreal forests of Manitoba to south western Saskatchewan. Projects included major pipelines, mine sites/tailings, brown field reclamation, landfill site revegetation, roadside stabilization and reclamation, naturalized stormwater wetlands, naturalized upland public reserves, community beautification, creek and river bank stabilization, native prairie land management, and the management and eradication of invasive species. His wide knowledge of agronomic practices is vitally important to the successful outcome of NPS projects. He has a wide depth and breadth of experience in managing native upland, wetland and riparian vegetation, including development of timelines, action plans and budgets, managing soil fertility and amendments, sourcing seed, supplies and contractors, developing and implementing integrated pest management plans and erosion and sediment control plans related to construction activities, and vegetation establishment and maintenance.

In 2009 Glen became the Manager of NPS and he is now responsible for overseeing field activities as well as high-level work to ensure the success of all NPS projects, including site assessments, concept development, project design, directing pre-planting land preparation, and project tracking. Glen holds a Diploma in Agriculture from the University of Manitoba, and he became a Certified Crop Advisor in 2001.